100 Flirty Sweet Things To Say To a Girl You Like To Make Her Feel Special

Posted by Carisa Kissane on Sunday, May 19, 2024

Most guys find it difficult to express themselves when they are with a girl, all of a sudden it looks as if their tongues are tied, even when they have looked forward to such meeting for such a long time.

If there is one thing that bothers most men, it is using the right word, how do I go about it? What do I tell her? What kind of words would she like to hear? Women love to hear sweet words and comments, but all should be moderate and not overused. Here is a list of things to say to a girl you like.

100 Things To Say To The Girl You Like

1. I love the way your skin feels so soft when I run my hands over it.

2. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

3. Don’t ever change, because I love you just the way you are.

4. You make me feel like an excited child at a theme park when I’m with you.

5. It hurts me more to see you sad.

6. If our love where like the rose it would have to be a new breed that has no thorns.

7. I know why people stare at us; it is because you are more lovely than the moon.

8. Time has no value unless it is time spent with you.

9. Any time I start feeling low I just think of you.

10. Hold my hand and I will hold your heart and keep it safe for all eternity.

11. You make me want to be a better man just so I can be more worthy of your love.

12. I get butterflies in my stomach when you run your hands over my face.

13. You look so beautiful and angelic, I feel like I’d dirty you just by touching you.

14. I think God was high when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection.

15. I love the way you say you love me when I kiss you goodnight over the phone.

16. You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile.

17. No, you’re not fat. You’re perfect and just the way I like it.

18. You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.

19. You make me feel weak in the knees when I touch you.

20. A day without you feels like a year.

Sweet Things To Say To The Girl You Like

21. I think we are like swans, in that we met and we are meant to be together forever.

22. Eternity, forever, unending are all words that mean a lot more since I met you.

23. I wish I were an octopus so that I would have more arms to hold you.

24. If my days started with a kiss from you, I would never drink coffee.

25. You are the queen of my heart and you make me shine like a diamond when you are near.

26. I love that we met, I like it that nobody got you before I did.

27. If love is a hot cup of coffee, then ours would be a mocha latte, hot, sweet and full of pep.

28. You are the perfect balance of tart and sweet and as great as cold lemonade on a hot afternoon.

29. We hold hands and our hearts join, our lips meet and our souls unite.

30.The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you.

Nice Things To Say To The Girl You Like

31. You’ve made my dreams come true.

32. I haven’t met a person who’s as nice and caring as you.

33. I love you so much I can’t explain it even if I tried.

34. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.

35. How do you look so beautiful all the time?

36. You make me feel so lucky when I’m around you.

37. You always know how to surprise me.

38. You’re the reason my life feels so perfect.

39. You look so cute when you laugh.

40. You brighten up my day every time I see you.

41. I dreamt of you last night.

42. If you asked me to I would walk miles to be with you but please never tell me to go away.

43. If I were asked to describe the colour you represent, then I would have to go with rainbow because you are beautiful, magical and being with you is like finding a treasure.

44. I am woeful without you and awesome when I am with you.

45. I’ll love you till death.

46. I love the way you smell.

47. You make me feel so happy when I’m with you, my jaws hurt.

48. Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.

49. You are such a good dancer.

50. You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my mind.

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Things To Say To A Girl You Like Over Text

51. I love the way your hair feels as I run my fingers through them.

52. I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.

53. I want to kiss every inch of you.

54. I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

55. I love you so much I could worship you.

56. I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.

57. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

58. I feel so happy just spending time with you.

59. You’re my best friend.

60. When you smile my heart beats as if I ran a mile and it keeps me happy for a long while.

61. The day we met is one of my life’s best.

62. I am glad that we grew up together so I did not have to miss even one awesome moment of our time together.

63. My heart feels like a bird taking off in the air every time you smile upon me, my dear.

64. Our love is like the waves in the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes tempestuous but always there.

65. You make me believe in soul mates.

Things To Say To Get A Girl You Like

66. You give meaning to my life.

67. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

68. I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.

69. I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.

70. I wish I could have met you years ago.

71. Just hearing your voice in the morning makes my day.

72. Your cute smile makes me melt.

73. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.

74. If there were something such as an academy award for being the cutest couple, then I am sure we would get it.

75. If somebody asked me to describe perfect happiness then I would have to say every minute I spend with you!

76. You are cute as a rabbit, as chirpy as a lovebird, as cuddly as a kitten, as pretty as a peacock and simply so wonderful.

77. I wish I could simply shrink you to pocket-size so that you could always be with me

78. If loving somebody too much is a crime then I am guilty and wish to be sentenced to a lifetime of you.

79. I never feel the need to watch the sunrise as seeing you smile feels more beautiful and brighter than any sunrise.

80. Now that I have met you I wish we could become immortal so that we can be together for all eternity.

Funny Things To Say To A Girl You Like

81. I think you might have something in your eye. Oh, hold on, that’s just a twinkle.

82. I’m a lot shorter than this in reality but I’m just sitting on my billfold.

83. I lost my phone number. Can I just have yours?

84. How are you? [good] I didn’t ask how you looked, girl.

85. You must be a Snickers bar. [why?] You satisfy me, baby!

86. Let’s name your legs Thanksgiving and Christmas and I’ll visit between the holidays.

87. Have you ever been arrested? [No.] Really? It’s got to be illegal to look that good.

88. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I pass by you again?

89. Have you ever been to Antarctica? [No] Me neither! We have so much in common!

90. I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes. [Why?] I just fell over and injured myself when I saw you!

91. If I had a nickel for every girl I had ever seen who was as gorgeous as you are, I’d have 5 cents.

92. My next drink is on you! [Why?] I saw you and dropped mine.

93. You’re so stunning that I just forgot my pick up line.

94. I’m like a Rubik’s cube. The more you play with me, the harder I get, baby.

95. You’re as sweet as Skittles and I want to taste the rainbow.

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96. I’ll make you a deal. [what?] I’ll give you a kiss and if you don’t like it, you can return it.

97. There’s something wrong with my bed. [What?] You’re not in it.

98. Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.

99. You must be an interior decorator because when you walked in the room was suddenly beautiful and perfect!

100. I must be hunting treasure because I’m digging your chest.
