Diesel Brothers And Their Journey With Lasting Mormon Faith The Talks Today

Posted by Arica Deslauriers on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Diesel Brothers are proud to have been raised in the Mormon faith because they believe in it so much.

Heavy D and Diesel Dave have made a great living for decades by giving diesel trucks a second chance at life. The two gearheads are now well-known stars thanks to their custom builds, great and funny viral stunt videos, and a popular reality show.

Diesel Dave is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one of the hosts of the Discovery Channel show “Diesel Brothers.” He was kept with his family in an LDS temple. Dave wrote on a Facebook post that has been shared more than 1200 times, “For those of you who don’t know, we are LDS, also known as Mormos.”

The star of “Diesel Brothers” just came out with a new book in which he talks about the personal stories behind their successful business and gives tips on how to start your own. During an interview with Fox News, Heavy D talked about his Mormon mission, how much he loves the military, and how to make the garbage in the car better.

Diesel Brothers

Are the Diesel Brothers Mormons?

Diesel Brothers, Heavy D, and Diesel Dave are all members of the Mormon faith.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is their religion.

Heavy D and Dave don’t only worship the car’s spark plugs and fuel injectors. Both stars were raised in the Mormon faith and have talked at length about it.

In 2017, Diesel Dave posted on Facebook about his Mormon beliefs. This gave his fans a better idea of what he does at church. Dave is a big part of who he is because he is a Mormon.

Dave said, “We are LDS, or Mormons, for those who don’t know. Mormons think that families can stay together for all time and forever. Not just until “death do you part,” and yesterday I was able to take my family to the temple and make my dream come true “when it happened.

Heavy D told us, “Most people in our home state of Utah are Mormon. When the kids turn 19, they can become missionaries, and the church just lowered that age “in an interview with Fox in 2017.

In the book they wrote together, The Diesel Brothers, they also talk about their past and how being Mormon affected their childhood. Discovery Plus has more information about what the Diesel Brothers do every day.

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The Diesel Brothers and Their Walk with God

Diesel Brothers have written a book about their faith journey and some of the stories behind how they built a successful business.

Heavy D talked to Fox News about his Mormon mission, how much he loves the military, and how to improve old things in the garage. Heavy and Diesel had been on Mormon missions in South America and Portugal for almost a year before the show.

We are from Utah, where most people are [Latter-day Saints] or Mormons. When they turn 19, the kids become missionaries. Men can now leave the church at age 18, one year younger than before. You are left in the middle of nowhere and don’t really know where you are going.

After that, because they come from military families, they always look for ways to help the military in any way they can. Both of their fathers and grandfathers served in the military in some way, so they started looking for jobs in the military.

At a church event, Sparks and Dave met each other. Because they both liked diesel trucks, they started talking to each other and eventually became friends. Diesel Dave was hired to help “Heavy D,” who ran machines for a construction company run by an uncle. Since then, they have worked together to make diesel trucks and sell them.


A group in Utah called Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment filed a civil lawsuit against the Diesel Brothers in 2016. They were accused of “significant, repeated, and ongoing violations of federal law” by modifying vehicles to make black smoke from the exhaust systems, which the group calls “one of the most dangerous kinds of pollution.”

The doctors’ group bought a modified truck from Sparks Motors. Independent testing showed that without required emissions features, the truck made 36 times as many pollutants and 21 times as much particulate matter as a stock truck.

After hearing from an emissions inspector in Davis County, Utah, in June 2018 that a Diesel Brothers truck had been changed in a way that was against the law, a judge issued an injunction to stop any similar changes from happening in the future. Sparks said he was only making changes to trucks for use off-road because he thought it was legal and was working with the Environmental Protection Agency to make sure he was following the law.

In March 2020, Federal Judge Robert J. Shelby fined Sparks, Keaton Hoskins, and Joshua Stuart, along with their different companies, a total of $850,000 because they had broken the Clean Air Act hundreds of times and also broken the earlier injunction. Judge Shelby took into account a number of factors that made the fine less than the most it could have been.

In April 2020, the Diesel Brothers filed an appeal. Their lawyer said that the case fell under a split circuit with different Federal rulings.

In March 2020, a US federal judge told the stars of the Discovery Channel show “Diesel Brothers” that they had to pay a fine of close to $2 million, plus attorney’s fees, for polluting the air in Utah. In 2016, a group of local doctors sued the popular custom truck builders because they gave away their trucks to lucky fans without the pollution control devices.

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The TV show Diesel Bros

The main point of the show “Diesel Brothers” was to buy old, beat-up, and worn-out diesel trucks and fix them up so they were bigger, flashier, and cooler. It was one of Discovery Channel’s popular reality TV shows, and the DieselSellerz team was on it. The team did more than just fix up and sell trucks. They also made silly grand pranks that made many people laugh. They also did dangerous and risky stunts that had never been seen on TV before. This helped them get more attention.

Due to the truck giveaways, the TV show had become a lot more popular. But not everyone could get the freebie unless they bought something or an auto part from their online store, DieselSellerz.com, that cost at least $5. The more a viewer bought, the more likely they were to win the customized truck.

Jay Leno, an American talk show host who loves cars, is the reason why the DieselSellerz team ended up on TV. It seems that Jay had heard about the team’s funny antics on social media sites, especially on YouTube and Facebook. When the famous host saw one of the videos, he was hooked right away. He told his crew to get them on his show because he thought they were funny. When people from Discovery Channel saw the brothers on TV, they had the same reaction. Because of this, the team was asked to do a reality show similar to what they put on YouTube.

But it took Discovery two years to convince the DieselSellerz team, who thought the phone calls they were getting from the cable network were scams. They couldn’t believe that a real cable channel wanted to work with them, so they brushed off the offer until they were sure it was real.

The reality TV show debuted in January 2016 and had already been on for six years. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the unfavorable outcome of the lawsuit against them, it wasn’t clear if the show would return for its seventh season in 2021, but no cancellation has been announced.

The defendant is the band Diesel Brothers

The producers of the American TV show “Diesel Brothers” called it “Diesel Brothers,” but the show’s two main stars, Dave “Diesel Dave” Kiley and Dave “Heavy D” Sparks, aren’t brothers. Instead, they’re best friends who started working together to build a successful car business.

Heavy D was the master car builder and fabricator. Since high school, he spent most of his time learning about cars and fixing up old ones. After he graduated, he worked as the manager of a car rental business. This gave him the chance to learn about many different kinds of cars. He then went to Weber State University to get a degree, but he only stayed there for one semester before dropping out. Later, he worked for his uncle’s construction company, where he drove heavy equipment. This gave him the idea to start his own excavation business, which did landscaping, built waterfalls, and built all kinds of rock walls. In 2008, when he needed help with his business, he asked his best friend, Diesel Dave, to work for him. In the future, they set up DieselSellerz.com and Sparks Motors.

The two first met at a singles event put on by the Mormon Church of Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were both looking for Mormon life partners. But instead of meeting their future wives, they ended up with a best friend and a business partner. When Heavy D invited Diesel Dave to hang out with him and his friends at a nearby lake, he filled Diesel Dave’s pickup truck with regular gasoline instead of diesel. They became friends when they took turns siphoning the gasoline out of the tank of the truck. On the same day, they also talked about how they wanted to open a diesel-powered auto shop that would take care of all pick-up trucks, 4x4s, and SUVs.

Heavy D was the business’s main owner, and Diesel Dave was the brand’s face.

When their business began to grow, their friends Keaton “The Muscle” Hoskins and Joshua “Redbeard” Stuart joined them. The Muscle had been tinkering with diesel trucks for a long time before he joined the team. Redbeard was asked to join because he was good at building and selling businesses, which was his main skill.

In 2016, the Diesel Brothers got a notice of suit against their company, DieselSellerz, from Reed Zars’ Law office on behalf of the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment. The suit said that DieselSellerz had broken the Clean Air Act in the past and was still breaking it now. They were a group of about 450 doctors and 3,500 other Utah residents, such as air quality experts, biologists, technicians, and toxicologists, who worked to improve the health of people in their state and protect the environment.

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